Walney Sea Kayakers [via John Sherwin] 3rd May 2020

Very moving, we shared lot of good times with Julian. Thoughts for the family. [Frank Slater] Very sad times. He was a lovely lad and a unique person. My heart goes out to his loved ones. [Chris Coward] Happy memories of sea trips to Norway and the Outer Hebrides; fires on the beach, parade ground singing as we got the miles in paddling up the fiords ... and river trips in the lakes when he he sometimes had to be talked out of some tricky sections ... A lovely lad, liked by all. [Geoff Schofield] I only met Diana once or twice so she wont know who I am, but it was a pleasure to have known Julian. I always remember him being sewn into a hammock so he didn't fall out during one of the Scotland kayaking trips. Please pass on my condolences. [Wendy] He was on the Jura trip. I can remember him stripping off and swimming out to rescue his beer that had drifted away on the tide. That was Julian. [Frank Slater] I remember the Jura trip when I got blood poisoning. Travelled up with Julian in his VW camper. Last night we camped on Eilan Mor in the Cormack Isles. Me and Julian slept in the chapel. [Chris Coward] John Sherwin and Julian were cooking on an open fire. Thought last week when he went out, that's the way he would of wanted to go. Many memories of his fires. [Frank Slater] Yes remember now he could not pack boat, first a Fred capsized and we had to rescue in quite big waves keeping him from the rocks. Yes remember fire. [John Shuttleworth] I remember Julian whistling to the seals. The seals came to the surface and listened. [Rob Hitchmough] Yes, good memories of him. R.I,P. Julian [Frank Slater]