Julian Milner: Main life-shaping events

1966 September 22

Created by BRYAN 4 years ago

Julian Milner was born on September 22, 1966 in Carlisle.

In 1976, his family moved to the Orkney Islands, which he loved, and to which he regularly returned, for the rest of his life.

In the early 1980s, as a mid-teenager, Julian was introduced to the songs of Bob Dylan, which had a huge influence on his musical taste and on his social/political awareness.

Soon after, Julian bought a vintage Telecaster guitar and taught himself, by ear, to play it.

In 1983, Julian read Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance which kindled an interest in philosophy [and motorcycles!] The book - his dad's copy - was destroyed by a campsite flood, but was later replaced by Julian.

In 1987, Julian met Edgar Wilson, who further fired up his interest in philosophy.

In 1993, Heather, from Barrow, whom Julian had met when a sixth-former, renewed contact.

On April 28th 2009, Julian's brother Magnus, aged 32, died suddenly and unexpectedly from his epilepsy [SUDEP]. 

In June 2009, Julian met Diana at an event on Piel Island.

The following September, on Piel Island and via a hand-binding ceremony they devised themselves, Julian and Diana made a commitment to make a life together. 

On October 12th 2011 Julian and Diana's son, Magnus [Merrick Milner] was born.

In 2017, Julian  was delighted to be able to purchase the 5-acre Harlock Hill Wood, just 2 miles outside of Ulverston.

On October 12th, 2019, Magnus's 8th birthday party was held in Julian's Wood. Julian was not at all well and it was to be his last visit there. 

On March 22nd, 2020 Julian lost his 5-month battle against the combined assault on his body of Burkitt's lymphoma and brutal and chemotherapy and sadly passed away.

There is a more detailed account of Julian's life in "Julian: a brief biography" which is in the Lifestories section of this website.